Friday, December 13, 2013

Festive Felt and Ombre Trees

This week I've been running out of things to do with the kids I nanny for... so we got crafty with felt. This little ombre tree craft is incredibly easy, you just need a few simple supplies:

felt by the yard
styrofoam cones
hot glue gun
a scissor

Joann Fabric had some awesome, speckled, real wool felt; but it was $10 a yard and we weren't trying to get fancy. Therefore, we walked slowwwly by the good stuff to the polyester felt which comes in more colors, is 72" wide, and only $4.99 a yard! WAHOO!! We picked 3 greens and cut 1/2 yard of each which is more than enough for about 6 or more trees. The felt was on promo 40% off so we paid about $1.25 each color. I thought the styro. cones were a little pricey, about $5 each; but we used a coupon, of course!

Next, I traced a faint line lengthwise on my felt, about an inch away from the edge. I freehand cut the scallops but wanted to make sure there was some sort of line to follow bc my scallops can get a little cray. Also, my felt was folded in half to save time (and sanity). Again, cut lengthwise, so your strands are the longest possible, 72 inches in this case.

After cutting scallops from all 3 colors, I started wrapping at the bottom of the cone and wrapping up in a spiral motion. 
**** If using high-heat glue gun, be sure to apply glue to felt, NOT foam, so the form doesn't melt.

When wrapping, we glued on the piece we were glueing down, as opposed to the piece we were glue to, so we didn't have glue accidentally showing.

Unfortunately, the top of the cone is not a point like you would hope... So I started glueing and pinching the fabric together to make a point and just kind of went with it. Maybe you are craftier and can make a point to attach to the top before you start wrapping? 

We cut a little star and Presto! The whole house FELT instantly festive!

What else can we make from felt you ask?? A little preview above... and details next week!